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Patalynės, kurių reikia Jūsų namams

Esame esv butik – patalynės ekspertai, siūlantys 100% medvilnės gaminius, kurie suteiks Jūsų miegamajam jaukumo ir šilumos.

Cotton bolls are arranged in a symmetrical pattern on a light background. Each boll consists of fluffy white fibers and brown caps.
Cotton bolls are arranged in a symmetrical pattern on a light background. Each boll consists of fluffy white fibers and brown caps.



Kokybė ir komfortas

Mėgaukitės grožiu

Patalynės galerija

Kokybiška patalynė, suteikianti jaukumo ir šilumos miegamajam.

A pair of crumpled, gray bed sheets and pillows create a relaxed, unmade appearance. The rumpled bedding suggests hint of recent use, and the soft texture is visible in its folds.
A pair of crumpled, gray bed sheets and pillows create a relaxed, unmade appearance. The rumpled bedding suggests hint of recent use, and the soft texture is visible in its folds.
Close-up view of cotton bolls on a plant with green leaves and a blurred background. The cotton fibers appear fluffy and white, framed by brown dried sections from the plant.
Close-up view of cotton bolls on a plant with green leaves and a blurred background. The cotton fibers appear fluffy and white, framed by brown dried sections from the plant.
Cotton bolls on a plant, with fluffy white fibers emerging from dried brown shells. The background features green leaves, indicating a natural environment.
Cotton bolls on a plant, with fluffy white fibers emerging from dried brown shells. The background features green leaves, indicating a natural environment.
A close-up of cotton branches intermingled with dried lavender stems against a soft, muted background. The cotton is fluffy and white, while the lavender has a subtle purple hue.
A close-up of cotton branches intermingled with dried lavender stems against a soft, muted background. The cotton is fluffy and white, while the lavender has a subtle purple hue.

Patalynės Parduotuvė

Siūlome kokybiškas medvilnines patalynes kiekvienam miegamajam.

A branch of cotton with several open, fluffy bolls attached to a brown stem against a neutral, beige background. The shadows create a soft, natural pattern on the wall.
A branch of cotton with several open, fluffy bolls attached to a brown stem against a neutral, beige background. The shadows create a soft, natural pattern on the wall.
Kokybiška Patalynė

Papuoškite savo miegamąjį jaukumu ir šiluma.

A close-up image of a cotton boll surrounded by dark shadows and a soft, diffused light. The textures of the cotton fibers and dried outer shell are emphasized, creating a natural and organic feel.
A close-up image of a cotton boll surrounded by dark shadows and a soft, diffused light. The textures of the cotton fibers and dried outer shell are emphasized, creating a natural and organic feel.
Miegamojo Aplinka

Sukurkite jaukią atmosferą su mūsų patalynėmis.

Neatly rolled stacks of off-white textured fabric or cloth are arranged closely together. Frayed edges are slightly visible, giving a natural and raw appearance.
Neatly rolled stacks of off-white textured fabric or cloth are arranged closely together. Frayed edges are slightly visible, giving a natural and raw appearance.
Cotton bolls with fluffy white fibers are growing alongside small orange fruits and dark green leaves, set against a wooden background.
Cotton bolls with fluffy white fibers are growing alongside small orange fruits and dark green leaves, set against a wooden background.
Medvilnės Patalynė

Minkštos ir patogios patalynės geram miegui.

Jaukumas Namams

Patalynė, kuri suteikia šilumos ir komforto jausmą.